Meeting the growing demand for health-promoting food

In a world where fast food and processed meals dominate tables, the connection between food and optimal health has never been more important. The timeless wisdom of Hippocrates, dating back to 370 BC, rings true today: Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. The choices you make in the kitchen can impact your health significantly.

Modern diets, laden with additives, preservatives, toxic sweeteners and rancid fats are making people sick. The consumption of highly processed foods is causing harm at a cellular level, leading to a surge in health issues such as diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular diseases. The increasing prevalence of fertility issues among young couples and the rise of conditions like PCOS highlight a connection between diet and reproductive health.

Addressing this concerning trend, CNM is training Natural Chefs to meet the growing demand for health-promoting food. The curriculum centres around therapeutic cooking and preparing nourishing meals that promote health and support bodily functions.

Hidden costs of the modern diet

Consuming stimulants like coffee and energy drinks is a common, modern-day habit to compensate for low energy and performance. Unfortunately, this compensation comes at a cost – the depletion of essential minerals. The repercussions extend beyond immediate energy boosts, leading to problems such as hair loss, osteoporosis and dental issues.

Another silent culprit in our diets is sugar. High consumption of sugar and empty calories not only affects your waistline but also silently contributes to cardiovascular problems. Arteries, including those surrounding the heart, suffer as calcium and other essential minerals are robbed, ultimately leading to elevated cholesterol levels and damaged arteries.

The rise in popularity of TV cooking hasn’t helped the matter. These shows prioritise aesthetics and taste and forget the fundamental purpose of food – to nourish the body.

Rediscover the true purpose of food

Recognising the urgent need for change in the current culinary market, CNM’s Natural Chef training has been established to fill the gap. The course not only equips chefs with the skills to create delicious meals but also emphasises the profound impact of food on the body.

The training starts by reminding students of what food truly is and its purpose in our lives. With a commitment to steering clear of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and prioritising organic, seasonal whole foods, natural chefs understand that different constitutions, health statuses and life circumstances demand specific dietary choices.

Food combining for better digestion

The art of combining foods correctly is a fundamental principle of the Natural Chef course.  Steering away from food combinations that could hinder digestion and nutrient absorption is key, such as eating proteins (meat, fish) with starchy carbohydrates (such as potatoes), or eating fruit with a meal.

Avoid drinking when eating

Drinking fluids (especially cold ones) alongside a meal dilutes the digestive juices in the stomach. This dilution reduces the efficiency of the digestive system, leading to decreased absorption of nutrients from food. Understanding the intricacies of digestion and nutrient absorption is crucial for creating meals that truly nourish the body.

Fats that heal or fats that kill

Renowned nutritionist Udo Erasmus aptly captures the dual nature of fats in his book, Fats that Heal – Fats that Kill. Fats have the potential to either contribute to healing or act as agents of harm within the body. When it comes to cooking oils, the way they are heated can drastically impact health. The popular practice of stir-frying, while beloved for its taste and speed, may come at a cost. The high temperatures involved in this cooking method can lead to the production of inflammatory substances, particularly impacting the heart. This poses risks of heart diseases and various chronic conditions.

Athletes use diet to improve performance

The transformation of renowned athletes serves as powerful case studies, illustrating the significant effects of dietary choices. Roger Federer’s shift to a breakfast of soaked oat muesli and increased sleep improved his athletic performance massively. Similarly, Novak Djokovic’s decision to adopt a gluten-free diet, as detailed in his book Serve to Win, revolutionised his career. The shift not only boosted his overall well-being but also elevated his game to unprecedented heights. Dietary choices can be transformative, influencing not only your physical health but also your ability to excel in your field.

Become your own Natural Chef

Becoming a skilled chef goes beyond mastering culinary techniques; it involves understanding how the body works, the different stages of digestion, and the roles of the pancreas and gall bladder. Simple herbs and spices found in your kitchen can make a huge difference to your digestion. Incorporating bitter salads as meal starters stimulates the production of digestive juices, enhancing nutrient absorption.

Feeling sluggish after a meal may be attributed to excessive food intake or improper food combinations, reinforcing the importance of thoughtful meal planning.

Sugar is the primary contributor to ill health and it contributes to disease processes. Luckily, there are healthier, natural alternatives to sweeten dishes and satiate a sweet craving.

By understanding these nuances, chefs can not only create flavoursome meals but also contribute to the well-being of those they cook for.

Natural Chef’s cook with health in mind

In response to the escalating demand for non-toxic, ethical and organic culinary practices in an increasingly health-conscious market, CNM has expanded and relaunched its Natural Chef/Vegan Natural Chef courses. This aligns with the college’s commitment to ecologically sustainable, green and ethical principles, solidifying sustainability as a cornerstone of CNM’s philosophy.

With state-of-the-art, plastic-free kitchens and a flourishing culinary herb garden, CNM seeks to minimise waste and champion environmentally friendly practices. The courses have been expanded to address the surging need for chefs to embody these values in their culinary ventures.

CNM’s Natural Chef courses are truly unique and what sets them apart from traditional chef training is the unwavering focus on the therapeutic and nutritional value of food. Acknowledging that a one-size-fits-all dietary approach is unrealistic, students are skilfully guided in tailoring individualised food plans to improve overall well-being.

With students and graduates such as highly acclaimed nutritionists Camilla Hansen, Adria Wu, Rosemary Ferguson and Madeleine Shaw, CNM is accredited in many countries so graduates can practice and share their expertise globally.

For those unable to attend in person, CNM extends its reach through an online Natural Chef cooking course.

You will learn:

  • How the body works and the role that food plays in influencing body systems, especially digestion and gut health.
  • Nutritional knowledge and the health benefits of different ingredients.
  • The art of food combining and why it’s important for digestion.
  • Food safety, kitchen cupboard essentials and the principles of sustainable and ethical cooking. This includes incorporating eco-friendly practices into the kitchen.
  • The energetics of food and why eating according to your constitution is important.
  • Essential kitchen techniques and knife skills to maximise the nutritional benefits of your plant-based creations.
  • Practical skills in recipe costing and scaling so you can optimise menus for profitability without compromising on quality.
  • Therapeutic menu planning and using food as medicine which allows you to tailor dishes to different health conditions such as gluten-free and allergies.
  • Business planning and marketing training to gain valuable insights into the business side of becoming a chef. This equips you with the knowledge and skills to build a successful career in the industry.
  • Food photography and styling to help you showcase your dishes and build your personal brand.
  • Connect with a vibrant community of like-minded individuals, fostering relationships with fellow chefs and professionals in the culinary world.

In essence, the CNM Natural Chef training transcends the traditional boundaries of culinary education, offering a transformative journey that imparts exceptional culinary skills and instils an understanding of the therapeutic and nutritional potential of food.

If you would like to learn more about becoming a plant-based chef, register for the next Open Event.

If you would like to learn more about becoming a Natural Chef or Plant-Based Chef, get in touch at  or register for the next Event.